We are all searching for the same things in life, aren't we? We have to realize that our similarities outweigh our differences in so many ways. And yet there is still so much hatred in the world. And I am here to ask why. Why is there so much hatred in a world made up of human beings that eat, drink, and strive for the all the same things. Why are we so brisk and cold to another? I think we all need a lesson in civility. Let us find it within ourselves to be kinder, to be friendlier, to be happier, to be more open to one another's beliefs, and to be a little more understanding of one another. It's not that hard, just look throughout your day for opportunities to be kind to one another. We all breath the same air, we are all searching for happiness, we all want the same things, so instead of doing this thing we call life against each other, let us all do it together and it will make things a whole lot easier for the lot of us. I promise. As we all search for meaning and peace of mind in this world, and as we all strive to find our own individual truths throughout our lives and our days, l think it can be found in each and every one of us. Life is great when we do it together, when we look out for each other; less fighting, more humanity I say. Of course it is easier said than done, but let's see what happens when we all realize how similar we all are to each other and let's let civility reigns free. Let us look for beauty, hope, love, kindness, truth, and faith in one another, and let's see where that takes us. We all have so much to live for, let us regret nothing, and always remember to dare to disturb the universe.
Thank you all for listening, your ever faithful friend on this crazy journey we call life,
Brian Gardner