It is very difficult to live your life moment to moment, day to day, trying, striving to make each day count, to make every moment count. Most of us, I am guessing in this day and age are living for the next thing, we are looking for the grass to be greener, for our lives to be better in an instant. And yet the problem is we are missing out on everything that is happening right now. If we would just stop and look around for a while, we won't miss it at all, we will instead be free from our fears and our insecurities, and we will learn to live in the right way, and in the right manner. To dream is a good thing though, the hard part is getting there. We wake up each day hoping that this day we'll be the day that changes our life for the better, and yet we forget to live our lives, because we are to busy to see that life is right in front of us ready, and willing to let us have all that we want right now. It is hard to wait for your dreams to come true, but let us not forget that life can be good even while we are waiting for our real lives to begin.
Thank you for listening, your ever faithful friend on this journey we call life.
Brian Robert Gardner