Have faith in yourself. Believe in something greater than yourself. Go beyond this world's limitations and fight for something greater. Do not be afraid to dream big. If you find yourself not knowing what to do, just move forward and I promise the answer will come to you. If you lose, you'll come back, and I promise one day you'll win. There's no greater failure than not to at least try; give yourself a shot, there's no use standing on the sidelines anymore. Get yourself in the game by any means necessary. Don't hold back ever. Leave it all out there on the floor. Don't waste your time worrying about what others will think or even do, just go for it; stick to your gut and you will never lose. Have hope, faith, and charity, be good to one another. We are all in this game we call life together. We all breath the same air, we all are striving for the same things, so let's begin again everyday with that unyielding attitude of gratitude and never stop hoping or dreaming because maybe one day those dreams will come true. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. Cards on the table, bet big and one day you will take the house. Odds may be slim, but just ask yourself everyone every once in a while, or maybe all the while, why not me?
Thank you,
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I hope to share with you my journey, and I truly believe that a new day is dawning in all of our lives.
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And have fun always!