Friday, March 14, 2014

My brother Russell

My brother Russell had emergency brain surgery about 11 months ago. I had the privilege of being with him for 9 months of rehabilitation. Russ is truly the law of positive attraction in a bottle. In all those months with him at all the hospitals and at home I never heard him complain once. Not once. Not a why me? Not a anything. It was truly impressive to watch his progress from day one to where he is now; which is back at school where he has one year left on his masters of accounting at Brigham Young University, where this program continually ranks in the top three each year among all schools and colleges in the U.S. After Russell's two year mission in Brazil I truly saw a change in him, a change for the better. He learned how to work so hard and is now on path to getting married and his degree and I'm betting a wonderful life together with his soon to be wife Melissa. He still has to go a little bit farther in his rehabilitation but he is sure on his way. Anyway the point of this story and for today's message of hope, I just wanted to share with you the power of persistence and the power of positive thinking. And that is Russ. If you truly believe you will get better and be healed you will be. If you put out what you want from the universe and consistently strive towards it everyday you will get what you want. I have seen it in action. It was quite amazing to watch my younger brother teach me one of the greatest lessons of life. With his positive thinking and mindset nothing could stop him and nothing will. He had surgery to heal his tumor for good and let's hope it stays that way. Anyway as we continually search for answers in this world and from the universe about the why's and how's of life all we have to ask is one simple question is what Albert Einstein has said and that is this: Is this a friendly universe? And in spite of it all if we do truly believe that we will always be fine. No matter what happens here or there if we consistently strive to thrive in all circumstances no matter what is going on around us, and we always have the power of our own mind, just like as spoken about in book after book after book, especially in Man's Search for Meaning and As a Man Thinketh, you can overcome being in Auschwitz Concentration Camp in WWII and survive and be able to tell your story to millions and change people's lives always knowing that we can overcome almost anything by the power of pure will power. Obviously there are circumstances here and there, but I truly hope and believe that no matter what happens everything will be made right in the end. And if it hasn't been made right then it isn't the end. Keep striving, searching, hoping, yearning, keep going, keep rolling your boulder everyday whatever that may be, and I mean that in a good way not in as a punishment from the Gods, but always remember to dare to disturb the universe and fight for what you believe in. Challenge what is right and wrong, and never stop believing that no matter who you are and no matter the circumstances you have the right and willpower to change lives and maybe even the world forever. Look to the Savior and always strive to be like him no matter the circumstance. Keep hoping, keep believing, for tomorrow the sun will rise who knows what the tide could bring? Thank you so much for listening your ever faithful friend Brian Robert Gardner.

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I hope to share with you my journey, and I truly believe that a new day is dawning in all of our lives.

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And have fun always!